
Join the Community!

Join our community to connect with other artists all around the world - get free content, support, and so much more!

Support Draw Daily

You can both support and be supported by Draw Daily by joining us on Patreon! Help us to continue making quality how-to content that is teaching students in a new and innovative way.

Pencil Eater

$3/ Month

The Pencil Eater Tier is to help support the continued management of the Pencil Eaters Discord where you can hang out, pick my brain about art subjects, join in on the weekly hangouts, and anything else that happens on Discord.

Patreon Tiers

Daily Student

$12/ Month

The Daily Student Tier is for students that want a little more extra support each month. I work personally with students providing feedback, hangouts, voting rights, and unique resources on drawing subjects.

Daily Sponsor

$29.99/ Month

If you really want to help, this Daily Sponsor Tier exists - not for extra content - but to help out financially in a more significant way. 

My advice:

If you don’t draw daily, at least draw regularly. Draw when it is fun, draw when you can enjoy it. Your mental heath is worth it.