Five Day Sphere Painting Challenge

Your Task: Paint 5-10 Spheres a Day for Five Days!

1. Create a circle using the selection tool

2. Fill selection with a light to medium gray and lock the layer so you don't need to worry about edges

3. Using a black, soft round brush, on low opacity (about 5-10%) add in your shadows. Start with a large brush and slowly decrease the size focusing on the outside edge

4. Using the same soft round brush on low opacity, change over to white and add in the light side. Slowly decrease your brush and focus your attention on the highlight on the top left

5. With that same white soft round brush on low opacity work in that bounced light, again start with a relatively large brush and decrease your brush in size to get that light spot


What's in the Box!? QoR - The “High Chroma” Palette


Draw Daily’s 2023 Daily Prompt Calendar